Behind-the-Scenes 3-Camera Production
Check out this behind-the-scenes photo on a 3-camera #production with Meredith Moore presenting "How gender role stereotypes adversely influence women's financial power" to the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business MBA Program for their Impact Series. Most people don’t know their monthly expenses, so it’s time to take control of your financial power!
❖ Meredith Moore, Artisan Financial Strategies:
❖ Atlanta Business Video:
✺ An Atlanta Business Video Production with Megan Roberge, Kelly Rose Magnusson, Owen Smith, and Mengcheng Zhang
#productionlife #speaker #speaking #Atlanta #presentation #women #genderroles #stereotypes #power #financialpower #gatech #MBA #finance #money #learn #takeaction #getinvolved #financialliteracy #atlantabusinessvidel #afs #artisanfinancialstrategies #lightscameraaction #education #expenses #balancesheet